About Me

Joseph Forest a.k.a. Joselito L.

Manila, Philippines

I turned 50 lately....and being midway through my stay on this planet, I've decided to put my thoughts, my experiences, my plans, my hopes, my aspirations down...for all of you to see out there in space...cyber or otherwise!

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Regaining What I've Lost....

now that most of the difficult tasks involved in opening a meatshop is behind me, i hope i regain the joy and excitement i used to feel in blogging. but for that to happen.... we still have to apply for a dsl connection at the shop so that we'll be able to have a decent wireless internet access.... just as what we have here at home.... hopefully, it won't take as long as how it took having our business phone line installed!!!

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Fulfillment of a Dream....

finally..... today our meatshop was finally opened to the public. here are some pictures that led to today's soft opening....

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Meatshop (and Blog!) Update....

it's been a long time since i last posted an entry in my blog..... i've been kinda busy taking care of getting the meatshop started. if nothing goes wrong and our plans push through, we'll have the soft opening of the shop on friday, may 18th next week!!! yay!!!

today, i spent the whole day at the shop accepting deliveries from our equipment suppliers. we have almost all of the required equipment already installed.... there's just one or two that still have to be installed and/or tested and calibrated.

tomorrow, i'll post pics of the shop as it looked last week and this week.... 'til today when we left the shop for what probably is the last time that we'll be having weekends (or at least Sundays!) off!!!

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