About Me

Joseph Forest a.k.a. Joselito L.

Manila, Philippines

I turned 50 lately....and being midway through my stay on this planet, I've decided to put my thoughts, my experiences, my plans, my hopes, my aspirations down...for all of you to see out there in space...cyber or otherwise!

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

This one gave me the creeps.......

jon googled the term "aswang" and the search came up with a picture purportedly showing a flying aswang caught on camera. i traced where the pic came from and i saw another shot and close ups of both shots showing the aswang more vividly.

these pics gave me the creeps because they are very much similar to what boyce and i and another friend saw one early january morning (before sunrise) in 1975 at boyce's province of antique!!!

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Don't turn the cubes.....

lynn in a Rubik's cube.....


Clowning around the store....

it was close to closing time.... no customers in the store.... we were just waiting for the clock to strike 8:00 PM so we can call it a "business" day....


Boyce leaves.....

boyce left for the U.S. early tuesday morning. last night, jon chatted with him through YM. it's good to know that his flight home was uneventful and that he got home safe and sound..... albeit very, very tired and sleepy!!!

unlike jon, i'm not too sad about his leaving..... maybe because i've seen him come and go for more than 5 years now..... plus the fact that i know that he'll be back again in ten months' time!

or maybe sooner..... there's a strong possibility that he'll be back in manila by december this year.....

bye boyce.... take care..... it's always a pleasure to have you come and visit us.....


Signs of the Times....

having been at our meatshop everyday since the time it opened, i'm bombarded by signs posted inside the shop..... which remind us of how we can provide quality service to our customers.

here are some of them..... (oooooooops! i mean, most of them!):

as one enters the meatshop, one is of course welcomed by a sign that says that the store is open.....

right inside, on the post between the glass doors and the glass window, is a sign that informs our customers of how we conduct business in the store.....

and by the cashier's table hangs our business license permit issued by the city hall......

as well as the BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) reminder to ask for receipt to ensure that we pay the right taxes.....

by the cashier's table too, we inform our customers that we give discounts to senior citizens.....

at the entrance to the Preparation Room, we make sure that only qualified people enters the room and handles the meats.....

we remind our staff to always keep the place and the work areas clean.....

and we are continually aware of putting "safety first" especially when using sharp instruments and equipment......

to ensure the freshness of our meats, we practice the "first in, first out" system in storing and retrieving meats....

and personal hygiene, as well as workplace cleanliness are taken very, very seriously.....

and so is personal comfort......

at the end of the selling day, we are sorry to have to close our doors to our customers..... but then again, we're glad to welcome them once more the following day!!!

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Monday, August 06, 2007

To a Very Special Niece.....

22 years ago today, my niece was born at a hospital in Manila.... that evening when she was born i was at the hospital with the rest of the family celebrating with kuya and ate liz.... and gwen.... that was also the first time that i laid my eyes on gail monique.... as she lay on her bassinet.... all plump and healthy. today, she's still healthy but not plump anymore!!! hehehehehe

to a very special niece....


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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Fun Around the City with Boyce...

boyce, my best friend who's visiting Manila from his home base in Pennyslvania, U.S.A is still here...staying with us in our humble abode. being the gracious hosts that we are, we've been taking him out.... when time permits.... or he just stays with us at the meatshop.... messing around with the meats!!! hehehehehe

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