Thursday, October 05, 2006

Words I Live By....

nowadays, when you enter the corporate headquarters of a big (and even a little) company, chances are you'll see the company's vision-mission statements prominently displayed in the lobby....these are "brief, succinct, and focused statements that can be used to initiate, evaluate, and refine all of the company's activities."
i also have my personal vision-mission (VM) statements, which i created 10 years ago with the help of Laurie Beth Jones' book "The Path"....since then, as much as possible, i have used these statements to guide my actions, my thoughts, and even my feelings.
having my personal VM statements have clarified who i am, what i am, and what i am here fact, they have been invariably called "one's life's purpose".....and this has certainly made my going through life easier and more "purposeful"!'s like "the path"....."my path", complete with the right directions, has been revealed to me.....and anytime i go astray or find myself going the wrong VM brings me right back to where i belong.
although having just a personal mission statement is enough, i chose to have a personal vision statement, as well as a personal mission statement....

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