Thursday, October 12, 2006

Celebrating Success!

just a few days ago, my friend and MufFIN were discussing about blogging. my friend remarked that blogging was probably created for people with "star complex" which MufFin added she read a newspaper article in which the columnist bashed blogging and mentioned things about bloggers & blogging similar to what my friend said.

my take on the this issue what? what is wrong with celebrating success? the problem with some of us is that we have forgotten to celebrate our successes...or if we do, we tend to celebrate only the "big" successes in life....

just by being born is a fact, it is our first success....and that's the reason why most of us celebrate our birthdays every year....'coz for every birthday that comes along, it means that we have successfully lived to see and experience another year! taking off from celebrating birthdays once a year, why not celebrate being alive every single day? can we do this? having a diary or a journal....or simply, by blogging!!!

now, if by living a full day we happen to accomplish or achieve something....celebrate that too!....and share it with others....(hopefully others will be inspired to succeed too) blogging!!!

celebrating successes does not have to be grand or expensive....patting yourself on the back or rewarding yourself with a long night's sleep may be enough...but if you wanna really go all out with your celebration...that's ok inviting your family & friends out....or by blogging!!!

what about if you commit mistakes?....mistakes can be successes too, if you learn and become a better person from them....learning from a mistake can happen instantaneously on your own... or through comments and advice from talking and analyzing what went wrong to your boss, your partner, your friend, your counsellor....or by blogging (that's why comments are welcome for blog entries!)

personally, a big part of my blog are about my successes....because whenever i write about them i re-live the successes...and when i re-live them, i re-live the feelings i felt when success came ....more importantly, i re-live my "beingness" that brought about the success in the first place!...was i courageous? was daring? was i loving and caring? was i compassionate? was i determined? so doing, i can apply these beingness again to achieve more successes!!!
when i celebrate my successes, i celebrate life....and when i celebrate life, i honor and value Him who gave me life...
"I celebrate and value life as a child of God!"
(by the way, if you think you have not celebrated a success or if you feel like you have not celebrated it enough, it's never too late! ....go out and buy yourself a strawberry ice cream on a cone to celebrate having taken your first yourself a matchbox toy for having flown your first kite....or even fly a kite to celebrate having driven a car alone for the first time ....or create a blog (hehehehehe)....the possibilities are endless....and can only be limited by your imagination!!!



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