Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How to Enjoy a Peking Duck

in one of my previous blogs, i mentioned how we both enjoy partaking of a peking duck meal at least once a month. what's so special about this meal is it's distinct taste (latgely because of how the duck is raised and how the duck is roasted and prepared) and the manner in which it can be enjoyed.... 1-way, 2-ways, or 3-ways.

yesterday, we had the 3-ways.... prepared as follows:

1. slicing of the crispy skin...

wrapping of the skin in egg wrapper with spring onion, cucumber, and hoisin sauce....

2. sauteing of the duck meat with carrots, garlic, and onions and wrapping in fresh lettuce leaves....

3. deep frying of the duck bones with meat in salt and pepper



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