Sunday, October 29, 2006

I'm grateful for.....traditions

Among the traditions that our family follows, for which i am grateful for, is the respect we have by the way we call each other based on sibling hierarchy. This tradition common in Northern Tagalog families is based on Chinese practices. evidenced by the similarity of the words used... (Maybe the Chinese among you will recognize some of these terms, especially those who speak Fookien.)
In our family, the eldest male child is called "kuya" by the succeeding siblings. The second eldest male child is called "diko"; and the third male child is called "sangko". This has a counterpart among the female children. The eldest female child is called "ate" by the succeeding siblings; the second eldest female child is called "dite"; the third female child is called "sanse"; and the fourth female child is called "ditse". In the meantime, the elder children call their younger siblings by their names or nicknames.
In our immediate family, for a very long time, there were just the three of us "Limcumpao Boys".... there's Kuya ....then there's Diko .....then me... plain me..... sigh!!! Only Diko and I have the right to call Kuya as such....and I'm the only one who has the right to call Diko as such. In turn, Kuya and Diko call me as plain Lynn.....sigh ....sniff!!! For the life of me, I wouldn't and still couldn't call Kuya and Diko by their names.... otherwise, mom and dad would be mad....sigh!!!!
Then, miracles of miracles!!! ....we had Mabelle, our princess!!! Yipeeeeeeeee!!! There was no sibling rivalry between Mabelle and I (after all, I was already 21 when she came to our lives!) .....on the contrary, among us three boys, I may have been the happiest to have a kid sister because at last.....I am a "Sangko"!!! Hehehehehe. I was so proud.... most especially when my mom and dad took my suggestion for a name for her!!! (More on this later.)
The respect for elder siblings also extend to their spouses, irrespective of age. For instance, I am older by age than both Kuya's and Diko's wives; however, I still call them as Ate (plus their names).....never would I call them by their names alone!

(Incidentally, this practice of using "kuya" and "ate" also extends to older cousins.....except that they're used regardless of age and hierarchy among their own siblings and their names are added to "kuya" or "ate". Kinda confusing, right? I myself, as small child, was initially confused but as i understood it's meaning, I felt a close family belonging especially to my Kuya and Diko).
In my future posts I'll be introducing my Kuya and his family, my Diko and his family, and Mabelle and her family.....because after all.....they are FAMILY.....and they are extensions of who I am!!!

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